Tips On Pageant Makeup

By Rita Gangwani on Jun 23, 2024



Pageant makeup is all about creating a flawless, glamorous look that enhances your natural beauty and stands out under stage lighting. Here are some tips to help you achieve perfect pageant makeup:

Foundation and Base

  1. Flawless Skin: Use a full-coverage foundation that matches your skin tone perfectly. Blend well to avoid any harsh lines.
  2. Primer: Start with a good primer to create a smooth base and ensure your makeup lasts through the entire competition.
  3. Concealer: Use concealer to cover any blemishes, dark circles, or imperfections. Choose a slightly lighter shade for under your eyes to brighten the area.
  4. Set with Powder: Set your foundation and concealer with a translucent powder to control shine and keep your makeup in place.


  1. Bold Eye Makeup: Use eyeshadows that complement your eye color and dress. Smokey eyes, shimmery lids, and bold colors work well for the stage.
  2. Eyeliner: Define your eyes with a waterproof eyeliner. A cat-eye or winged look can add drama and emphasize your eyes.
  3. False Eyelashes: Wear false eyelashes to make your eyes appear larger and more dramatic. Choose a style that enhances your natural lashes without being too heavy.
  4. Brows: Fill in your eyebrows to frame your face. Use a brow pencil or powder that matches your hair color for a natural look.
  5. Mascara: Apply several coats of waterproof mascara to your top and bottom lashes for added volume and length.


  1. Contour and Highlight: Contour your cheekbones, jawline, and forehead to add dimension to your face. Use a highlighter on the high points of your face, such as the cheekbones, brow bones, and down the center of your nose.
  2. Blush: Apply a blush that complements your skin tone to the apples of your cheeks. This will add a healthy, natural glow to your face.


  1. Lip Liner: Outline your lips with a lip liner that matches your lipstick to define your lips and prevent your lipstick from feathering.
  2. Bold Lipstick: Choose a bold lipstick color that complements your overall look. Reds, pinks, and deep berry tones are popular choices for pageants.
  3. Gloss: Add a touch of gloss to the center of your lips for extra dimension and a fuller appearance.

Finishing Touches

  1. Setting Spray: Use a setting spray to lock in your makeup and ensure it lasts throughout the pageant.
  2. Touch-Up Kit: Carry a touch-up kit with essentials like lipstick, powder, and blotting papers to keep your makeup fresh.

General Tips

  1. Practice: Practice your makeup look several times before the pageant to ensure you can achieve it flawlessly on the day of the competition.
  2. Lighting: Apply your makeup in natural light or under bright lighting similar to the stage to see how it will look during the event.
  3. Skincare: Maintain a good skincare routine leading up to the pageant to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition.
  4. Professional Help: If you’re not confident in your makeup skills, consider working with a professional makeup artist who specializes in pageant makeup.

By following these tips, you can create a stunning makeup look that highlights your best features and boosts your confidence on stage.

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